UNIDEF-15: Climate change: a priority for defense and security?

The University-Defense meetings are back again this year with :

UNIDEF-15: Climate change: a priority for defense and security?

For Further Information

Further details

Organized jointly by the Institut militaire de Québec and the École supérieure d'études internationales, and in partnership with the Centre pour la Sécurité Internationale and the Canadian Defence and Security Network, these annual gatherings are a unique opportunity for military personnel and researchers to meet on a theme related to international security. Speakers are experts from the armed forces and academia. The audience is made up of military personnel, scientists, members of the student community and members of the general public.


Click here to see it (French version).



8 : 00 - Reception of participants

8 : 10 - Opening

  • Prof. Anessa Kimball, Centre sur la Sécurité Internationale (CSI)
  • Bgén (ret) Richard Giguère, Institut Militaire de Québec

8 : 15 - Opening Remarks

  • L'Honorable Manon Jeannotte, Lieutenant governor of Quebec
  • Sophie D'Amours, Rector of l'Université Laval

8 : 30 - Opening Conference

  • Mathieu Bussières, Director of NATO Climate Change and Security Centre of Excellence (CCASCOE)

9 : 15 - Tribune 1 :  From environmental safety to climate security: security dimensions

Moderator: Maxime Philaire, emerging researcher, master's degree at Université Laval and former president of OTAN Laval.

  • Bruno Charbonneau, Director of Center for Security and Crisis Governance (CRITIC) of Royal Military College of Saint-Jean, Director of Center FrancoPaix in conflict resolution and peace missions of Chaire Raoul-Dandurand at Université du Québec à Montréal ;
  • Dr. Gisèle Amow, scientist at Defence Research and Development Canada (RDDC) ;
  • Gabrièle Lavallée, emerging researcher, master's degree from Université de Sherbrooke and master's degree in international law focusing on the law of the sea from Université de Côte d'Azur ;
  • Marina Pronovost, graduate of ESEI, Université Laval.

10 : 45 - Tribune 2 : Defence and Climate Change

Moderator: Alice Bonardi-Igout, master's student in international studies at ESEI and former vice-president of OTAN Laval.

  • LCol Francis Roy, 2 Div CA Support Group ;
  • Col Reiner Zimmerman, NATO Centre of Excellence on Climate Change and Security (CCASCOE);
  • Ms. Josée Lévesque, Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC), Valcartier, Québec ;
  • Ms. Élise Godin, Infrastructure and Environment, Department of Defence Canada.

12 h 00 - Lunch

13 h 00 - Tribune 3 : The impact of environmental issues on operations

Moderator : Eléonore Daniel-Vaugeois, master's student in international studies at ESEI.

  • Maj Steve Winters, Canadian Armed Forces (OP Lentus) ;
  • Lcol Richard Bernatchez, Canadian Armed Forces (OP Lentus) ;
  • M. Steve Boivin, Quebec Ministry of Public Security ;
  • M. Jean-François Bernier, Deputy Director, Quebec City Police Department.

14 h 15 - Tribune 4 : Lessons learned in other fields of activity

Moderator : Juliette Danjon, master's student in international studies at ESEI.

  • Mme Madeleine Redfern, Chief Operating Officer, CanArctic Inuit Networks ;
  • M. Tristan-E. Landry, regional director General, Eastern and Central Region, Environment and Climate Change Canada / Government of Canada ;
  • Mme Hélène Lauzon, lawyer and urban planner, President and CEO, Conseil patronal de l'environnement du Québec ;
  • M. Jean-Louis Chamard, Réseau Environnement. 

15 h 15 - Closing Conference

  • Mgén Simon Bernard, Canadian Joint Operations Command, Canadian Armed Forces

16 h 00 - Closing Remarks

  • Jonathan Paquin, Director of École supérieure d’études internationales (ESEI), Université Laval

Affiche UNIDEF 2024

Save the Date - UNIDEF-15
8:00 to 17:00
Amphithéâtre Hydro-Québec, Pavillon Alphonse-Desjardins, Université Laval